A Trusted Advocate For Family Law Concerns

Pre-Marriage Consulting

Before you take the leap, get informed. I will help you enter your marriage with confidence. Marriage can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences in life. But, before you take the nuptial leap, it’s incredibly important to understand the ramifications of marriage.

Salick Family Law Group, APLC, Can Help You

The pre-marriage consulting services of Salick Family Law Group, APLC, is not just about prenuptial agreements or the possibility of divorce. While entering into a marriage is a fun and joyous time, you should understand that you are forming a partnership and will be held to the same fiduciary duties as if you and your spouse were forming a corporate entity.

Marriage touches upon financial, insurance, real estate and other crucial elements of your life. To help you manage all of these matters, Salick Family Law Group, APLC, has established relationships with some of Southern California’s most respected and accomplished professionals, and I can connect you to them.

My pre-marriage consulting will help you understand the legal nuances of marriage, which many people simply are not aware of, such as:

  • Separate and community property
  • Prenuptial agreements and whether they are necessary
  • Estate planning in lieu of prenuptial agreements
  • Informational discussions regarding child custody and visitation
  • Child support and spousal support issues
  • Fiduciary duties
  • Restructuring legal documents to ensure your assets remain protected

While marriage should be a wonderful and happy union, the statistics reflect an approximate 50% divorce rate. As NFL legend Vince Lombardi once said, “The best defense is a good offense.”

Call Salick Family Law Group, APLC, Today

Before you enter this next important stage of your life, contact Salick Family Law Group, APLC, at 310-765-2894 or fill out my online form. I will help you fully understand the legal and financial nuances of marriage. The more you and your fiancé know, the more confident you will be in your marriage.